Leelanau Cheese Raclette – Best in North America!

Raclette wheels from Leelanau Cheese!It’s not often (OK, never) that one of my favorite foods gets an honor like the honor that the Aged Raclette from the Suttons Bay-based Leelanau Cheese Company received. In the largest cheese competition in U.S. history, their raclette beat bested over 1,200 entries to take the “Best of Show” award  at the 24th annual American Cheese Society cheese competition. To add to the honor, they received a rare perfect score on the first round of judging.

You can visit the John & Anne Hoyt and purchase and sample their additive-free Swiss and French-style cheeses on M-22 south of Suttons Bay.

Read more about the cheese competition at the Boston Globe.

4 replies
  1. Aaron
    Aaron says:

    I had received some Raclette as a gift once. I consider myself more than just a cheese lover, and the Raclette is the closest thing to perfect cheese I can recall. Excellent product.

  2. Lyne Sirois Jenner
    Lyne Sirois Jenner says:

    Nous avons eu le plaisir de déguster 3.5lbs de raclette avec nos invités américains (nous étions 4). Nul besoin de vous dire que votre raclette et fait paraître bien terne les raclettes française et suisse. La raclette canadienne eat également délicieuse. Vive l’Amérique. Merci John et Ann nous récidiverns l’an prochain Lyne

  3. Elijah
    Elijah says:

    I love Leelanau Raclette! I eat it regularly, thank god I’m not lactos and tolerant! The first time I had Raclette was at Martha’s Leelanau Table, a resturaunt in Suttons Bay. I work there and the first time was introduced, I said what smells like feet?! I tasted it and loved it ever since. Thank You Black Star Farms!!!!

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